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Created 12-Feb-12
57 photos

At approx. 300x magnification
Polysiphonia algae, 40xPinus Cross-Section, 40xNostoc Cyanobacterium, 1000x oil immersionHydrodictyon algae net, 50x.Virginia Creeper plant, psedera quinquefolia. 40x magnification in bright field with 28 single photos blended together to get this viewFossil imprint on clay, 40xMushroom spores, 100x bright fieldCell Mitosis: Process of formation of two cell nuclei by splitting and replicating chromosomes. Onion root cells, >1000x magnificationPenicillium Fungus with Spores, 200xFruit fly chromosome, 1000xEgg shell skin in phase contrast, 400xDiatoms at approx. 600x maginificationAmphipoda with stereo microscopeMegacyclops viridis copepodLepadella ovalis rotifer. 400x magnification, phase contrast.Lepadella ovalis rotifer. 400x magnification, phase contrast.Lepadella ovalis rotifer. 400x magnification, phase contrast.Vorticella. 400x magnification, phase contrast.Vorticella. 400x magnification, phase contrast.Cosmarium algae at 400x. Phase contrast illumination.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:eye, facet eye, macro, microscopy, mosquito